Gluta Lipo Lemon Detox Slimming Juice
Gluta lipo juice and coffee 10 sachets/box
Gluta lipo milk tea 5 sachets /Box
🍹12 IN 1 Gluta Lipo Juice
🍹Taste like iced tea
🍹10 sachets every sachets can make 2 glasses.
GLUTA LIPO 12 IN 1 Will give you the benefits of BOTH !!!
➡Contains 12 natural ,effective ,safe and side effect free main ingredients which are very valuable for slimming ,whitening and glowing of the skin..
➡Has antioxidant that prevent diseases such as cancer ,and delay signs of aging .
➡Detoxifies and cleanses the body especially the colon and removes unnecessary wastes and toxins leading to a flatter and more toned tummy .
➡Has a lemon iced tea flavored that tastes so good and contains STEVIA ,Sugar substitute which is healthier ..